You'll get all of the Decentering Whiteness in Time and Space Lesson Recordings with some practices to support you!!

Course Lessons

    1. Lesson on Identity Development and Exploration

    2. Reflection Questions

    3. Identity Workbook

    4. Activity: Looking Glass Self Interview

    1. Embodiment Lesson

    2. Embodiment Lesson Reflections

    3. Embodiment: Orienting Practice

    1. White Supremacy Culture Lesson

    2. Lesson Reflections

    3. Activity: In My Own Words

    1. Enneagram Lesson

    2. Enneagram Lesson Reflections

    3. Activity: Exploring the Levels of Development

    1. Socialization Lesson

    2. Socialization Lesson Reflections

    3. Activity: My Genogram

    1. Power Lesson

    2. Power Lesson Reflections

    3. The Enneagram and Power

DWTS Basics

  • $999.00
  • 37 lessons
  • 16.5 hours of video content