Welcome to the Embodying Liberation Community
Monthly membership to the Embodying Liberation Community - where we'll gather to learn, heal, and build capacity to be culture changers in our worlds. Join now!!!!!
Every month, you'll receive a lesson on a topic that's important to liberation - whether consent, boundaries, harm repair, etc. - and then the third Sunday (pending necessary schedule changes), from 12-3PM (Pacific), we'll come together to get in our bodies, practice the skills associated with it, and coach someone around how to apply the concept.
We must meet every bit of inhumanity with our full humanity
Wounds of oppression are, by their nature, disembodiment wounds that heal through our intentional embodiment
Our capacity to be free will depend on what our nervous systems can hold onto, individually and collectively, and our practices of liberation
Not having the skills to live liberatory is a societal failure, not a personal or individual one - it’s not your fault if you don’t know how to resolve conflict or move through shame or grieve, we’re not taught these things
The dreams we want to see on a large scale will come because we create them in our immediate spheres of influence first
The work of divesting from toxic structures includes dismantling internalized whiteness
You’ll get to know other people who are committed to living out their values in tangible ways that create culture change
If you aren't sure you're ready to sign up and you want more context, join us at an Open House!
Monday, March 3, 2025 at 5:00 PM (Pacific)
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/cpCrWvPzTD2HwYSX4T8asw
A note from Jessica: This level gives me space to create and make sure I can cultivate some of the deeper work that I share with my clients and with the world. It’s the highest level of investment. If you’re thinking of choosing this level, here are some things to consider:
✯ My identities have historically and/or presently held power (white, upper middle class, able-bodied, generational/inherited wealth, etc.)
✯ I got an undergraduate or graduate degree without having student loans, loans are paid off, or I’m able to put more than the minimum payment toward paying them off
✯ If I want to, I could eat and drink out at least once a week, or more frequently
✯ My income is something that gives me disposable income while remaining fairly comfortable
✯ I can choose whether to work or not and still have all my needs and most of my desires met, or I partly or completely live off unearned income
✯ I have a stable and growing career and/or high (potential or realized) earning power
✯ I have inherited/intergenerational assets and have my own personal assets (inheritance, owning a home, investments, retirement accounts, etc.)
This is the middle tier of investment and it’s for people who may not have high levels of wealth privilege, but still can invest in things outside of what is considered a necessity (food, clothes, housing, etc.)
✮ I can cover basic needs with some extras occasionally
✮ Someone in my family explained how college and careers worked and assisted me
✮ Annual income is sustaining, even if you don’t have a lot of wealth
✮ I completed a bachelor’s and/or Master’s (or terminal) degree
✮ I’m steadily paying down student loans or have paid them off (or had them paid off)
✮ My family of origin has/had assets (like a paid-off house, retirement accounts, etc.)
✮ If I need financial support, I’m able to look to family, my community or a lender for access to money (I might even be able to get someone to loan me money to fund this)
This is a lower level of investment. It’s a little lower than what I would consider the cost of the offering so it can be available to more people.
☆ My social identities have historically, mainly been oppressed, or current disability impact my ability to create income, as well as my earning potential
☆ I utilize state or federal assistance for basic needs (like medical care, for example)
☆ I was the first to go to college or the first generation to attend
☆ I make enough income to meet mainly basic needs and have little to no assets
☆ Have survival credit card debt that I’m not accruing, but am paying off, and/or on income-based repayment for student loans (or unable to pay them due to size)
☆ On income-based repayment for student loans or only can pay basic payments
☆ I can’t really afford a vacation
☆ I don’t have access to savings and have been systematically barred from receiving loans (besides predatory pay day loans)
Liberation-Centered Culture Cultivator | Expert in Training and Development | Fostering Wholeness and Safety through Enneagram Integration, Antiracist Practice, and Embodiment